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Image by NegiPho

Why Starting a Podcast is a Smart Move for your Business

Updated: May 1, 2024

I hadn't really considered starting a podcast before 2021, because to be perfectly honest I didn’t understand the hype! Then, as the months went by, I started to feel “called” to start my own podcast for my new business, the Creative Goddess Club.

Despite this feeling of not understanding logically why I should start, after months of deliberation I decided to give in to my intuition and open my eyes to this whole new world behind the microphone….

And I’m going to share with you 3 things that happened in my business as a result!

1. I had found a new CREATIVE outlet

For me, having some form of a creative outlet in my life is a huge deal, because I need that kind of energy doing something I’m passionate about. Well, the same goes for my business.

I was previously really into blogging but felt like it was taking a lot of time, plus I experienced a lot of writers’ block and procrastination. Although I wasn’t necessarily closing the door on blogging, I was always open to new ideas to put free content out to my community.

As I was starting my podcast, I didn’t necessarily think of it as a creative outlet as such, but it really gave me a surge of energy that I hadn’t anticipated. Having the creative freedom to determine the topic area up for discussion in each episode was really fun, as well as the message delivery.

Plus, I could create fun shareable graphics on Canva every single week for each episode, whilst choosing music (I like to call it a “theme tune”) and editing this into my recording.

2. Others wanted to collaborate with ME

Early on in my podcast journey, I had a surge of bravery and thought it would be fun to float the idea of starting a podcast guest mini-series, in a Facebook group thread for collaborating.

I posted on there thinking I might get a couple of responses, but it was actually so overwhelming that I had to turn comments off! This made me realise how sought after podcast guest opportunities were. I ended up running a guest series comprising 8 episodes and met some incredible creative entrepreneurs with inspiring stories to tell.

Did you know that as at 2021, there were estimated to be around 600 million blogs, but just 2 million podcasts? That’s right, so you COULD describe podcasting as a pretty “hot” commodity!

People love to share their message and talk about their passions, and your podcast is the perfect place to do that . Many, many other entrepreneurs don’t have this platform for their business, so are always looking to be featured on someone else’s.

3. I could connect with my audience more personally

One thing that I found incredibly surprising with recording my podcast, was just how natural it felt to share my message through speaking compared to writing it down. From my experience it is much easier to flow into sharing personal and relatable stories — something that hadn’t come as easily through writing. Podcasting felt more like a conversation between great friends!

As a result, I was able to become an even better version of my authentic self as every episode passed and received subscribers who turned into regular listeners over time.

Stay in touch - and get a FREE podcast checklist

The Creative Goddess newsletter is a great way for you to receive behind-the-scenes updates and little tips/words of wisdom from me to you!! Plus... any exciting new offers will be STRAIGHT over to you first.

Plus... when you subscribe I'll send you a FREE podcast checklist to help you get started on your podcasting journey :)

Challenge Yourself

In 2023 I ran a free challenge to help you take action and go from planning your podcast to pressing publish in 3 days. No frills, no overcomplicating, just simple steps to put your podcast out into the world!

Although this challenge is now over, I plan to relaunch later this year and/or provide the recordings as a mini-program. If you're interested in joining the "Let's Podcast" Challenge, e-mail me and I'll send out more details when this is finalised.

Thinking about starting a Podcast for Your Business?

I truly believe in the power of podcasting to boost your business — so much that I created a course about it!

In “Simply Start Your Passion Podcast” I take you from your podcast idea, to putting it out into the world in 5-modules, all whilst helping you navigate the technical elements and mindset roadblocks along the way.

If you would like to find out more information, go and check out the course information page here.

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